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scrap my car


The Full Story Of SellMyScrapCar

SellMyScrapCar began as a small family run business with their own recovery trucks working for themselves in the local community. It slowly expanded as they gained more loyal and referral customers. Along the way, the network started to make more and more connections which eventually became national connections and thus enabled SellMyScrapCar to grow along with their ideas.


Welcome to the result of years of hard work. SellMyScrapCar have been in the scrap industry for many years. They believe that they have created a passionate, competitive & easy process for customers to scrap their vehicles. They have listened and trialled and come to what they think is the ideal process for customers and scrap yards. 


SellMyScrapCar believe that they have found an ideal balance between yard and customer. Customers want competitive pricing and yards want the opportunity to compete in an ever expanding market. There are many comparison sites and sites that connect customers to their local scrap yards however many of these sites use one preferential yard for their quotes which excludes other yards the opportunity to compete. As the internet grows and more and more people are searching for online solutions to scrap their vehicles, they are turning to these comparison sites and creating monopoly quoting services. Within the SellMyScrapCar scrap car network, this doesn't happen as often because they allow a tailored quoting service to allow local yards to offer or compete on pricing if they wish. This in turn gives the customers even better pricing and collection options. 


SellMyScrapCar take pride in their customer service and problem solving due to the fact that they have personally worked in the industry for many years and have seen problems and solutions for both customers and yards. It has given them a unique perspective and advantage to provide a 5 star service to their partners and customers. 

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